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Rödljusterapi kan minska antalet fettceller

Rödljusterapi kan minska antalet fettceller

En ny studie visar att rödljusterapi kan bidra till fettnedbrytning genom att inducera apoptos i fettceller. I klarspråk betyder det färre fettceller.

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Red Light Therapy for Older Adults (ENG)

Red Light Therapy for Older Adults (ENG)

A new scoping review explores the benefits of photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy as an adjunct to resistance training for older adults aged 60 and above. The findings show that PBM can enhance muscle strength, functional capacity, and balance while reducing fatigability! ...

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Rödljusterapi ger starkare äldre!

Rödljusterapi ger starkare äldre!

En ny översiktsstudie undersöker hur rödljusterapi (PBM) kan fungera som ett komplement till styrketräning för äldre personer över 60 år. 

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Red light therapy prevents severe myopia in children (Eng)

Red light therapy prevents severe myopia in children (Eng)

A recent study reveals that repeated low-level red light (RLRL) treatment effectively slows the progression of myopia in children and adolescents with severe myopia.

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Rödljusterapi hjälper mot svår närsynthet hos barn enligt ny studie

Rödljusterapi hjälper mot svår närsynthet hos barn enligt ny studie

En ny studie visar att upprepad behandling med rödljusterapi effektivt kan bromsa utvecklingen av närsynthet hos barn och ungdomar med svår myopi. 

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Ny forskning kring rödljusterapi vid cerebral pares (CP)

Ny forskning kring rödljusterapi vid cerebral pares (CP)

Effekten av rödljusterapi har visat sig vara positiv eftersom den förbättrar muskelsmärta och spasticitet samt minskar mjölksyranivåerna.

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New research on red light therapy for cerebral palsy (CP) (Eng)

New research on red light therapy for cerebral palsy (CP) (Eng)

Spastic diplegia is the most common form of cerebral palsy; children with spastic diplegia suffer from muscle fatigue and spasticity, leading to reduced muscle strength, impaired motor control, and many disabilities, including constipation. 

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New research on red light therapy and fertility treatment (Eng)

New research on red light therapy and fertility treatment (Eng)

This study looked at using low-level laser therapy (LLLT) to help women with recurrent implantation failure (RIF) get pregnant. 

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Ny forskning på rödljusterapi och IVF-behandlingar

Ny forskning på rödljusterapi och IVF-behandlingar

Denna studie undersökte användningen av rödljusterapi (LLLT) för att hjälpa kvinnor med återkommande misslyckade implantationer (RIF) att bli gravida.

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Vätevatten och rödljusterapi - en riktig hälso-kombination

Vätevatten och rödljusterapi - en riktig hälso-kombination

I jakten på optimal hälsa och välbefinnande har två fascinerande metoder fått betydande uppmärksamhet: vätevatten och rödljusterapi.

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Ett svar till Filterpodden

A response to Filterpodden

On the occasion of Filter's podcast Filterpodden, “102. Red light for red light therapy" which was released on April 19, 2024, we at Nutrilight wish to give a reply to what is covered in the episode.

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Rödljusbehandling för ditt älskade husdjur

Red light therapy for your beloved pet

Red light therapy is used by millions of people today to improve health, increase quality of life and alleviate illnesses. It can be described as a "dietary supplement" of sunlight, as it produces red light and near-infrared light, just like the sun.

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Fredrik Paulún on RLT

For decades, I have devoted myself to nutrition, written about exercise and given general health advice about stress and sleep. Over 20 books, I have written and read the most important scientific articles and immersed myself in newly discovered areas such as intestinal flora, epigenetics, etc. and thought I had a pretty good grasp of what to do to feel good and maintain health.

"Suddenly the boundaries between particle physics and nutrition weren't so clear anymore..."

Suddenly, the boundaries between particle physics and nutrition weren't so clear anymore, and that was also the reason why I agreed to work with product development at Nutrilight (perhaps you understand how the name came about?). I want to learn more about RLT and help spread the word about this revolutionary technology that can help so many people. It was also the reason why I chose to write a book on the subject. In addition to the effects mentioned, it seems to be able to help with autoimmune diseases, eczema and other skin problems, hair loss, sleep problems, joint pain and pain conditions in general. Also rejuvenating mechanisms such as increase in stem cells, regeneration of nerve cells and increased collagen formation for smaller wrinkles have been reported in science. We are still waiting for the study that shows that RLT will extend the life of those who use it. I don't think we have to wait that long...