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For decades, I have devoted myself to nutrition, written about exercise and given general health advice about stress and sleep. Over 20 books, I have written and read the most important scientific articles and immersed myself in newly discovered areas such as gut flora, epigenetics, etc. and thought I had a pretty good grasp of what to do to feel good and maintain health.

Therefore, it was a bit of a shock for me to realize that, in parallel with what I had learned, there has been intensive research into how light of different wavelengths affects health. In practice, the research lies in the borderland between health and particle physics, so perhaps it is not so strange that in my diet-oriented health industry, this huge area of ​​research has simply been missed. Soon you are up to 10,000 articles on red light therapy (RLT) published since the 1960s, so once I opened the door to this new dimension for me, it was literally like entering a new world. It turned out that light could have strong effects on the body and many of these were actually similar to what healthy eating can have such as reduced inflammation, lower blood sugar, reduced body fat, increased muscle mass and higher energy levels.

Suddenly, the boundaries between particle physics and nutrition weren't so clear anymore, and that was also the reason why I agreed to work with product development at Nutrilight (perhaps you understand how the name came about?). I want to learn more about RLT and help spread the word about this revolutionary technology that can help so many people. It was also the reason why I chose to write a book on the subject. In addition to the effects mentioned, it seems to be able to help against autoimmune diseases, eczema and other skin problems, hair loss, sleep problems, joint pain and pain conditions in general. Also rejuvenating mechanisms such as increase in stem cells, regeneration of nerve cells and increased collagen formation for smaller wrinkles have been reported in science. We are still waiting for the study that shows that RLT will extend the life of those who use it. I don't think we have to wait that long...

Quote : "Suddenly the boundaries between particle physics and nutrition weren't so clear anymore..."
Name : Fredrik Paulún
Title : Business developer Nutrilight

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Red Light Therapy for Older Adults (ENG)

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